Cornel Burzo, Go Lessons, online lessons, offline lessons, special offers Cornel Burzo's
GO Lessons
 GO Lessons Jan 30, 2017
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Latest 3 tournaments
1st place -- oct 13th-14th National Championship-Preliminary
2nd place -- oct 5th-7th Casino Go Tournament, Bratislava
1st place -- European Team Go Championship, Bratislava, Oct 2 - 10

Latest 3 games
Cornel Burzo-Dan Iugulescu
Titi Ghioc-Cornel Burzo
Daniel Cioata-Cornel Burzo

New: Group Lessons: For 2,3 or 4 players who are about the same level, e.g(1-3kyu),will use glGo to play games and skype internet telephony for interactive reviews. See prices for Groups.

We can have Go Lessons using Skype voice chat ( cause it makes it very comfortable to talk instead type. I'm available for teaching in skype calls monday to friday from 6a.m GMT to 3p.m GMT

An online Go lesson with me consists of playing a game (both handicapped and even) and then analyzing the game by using the IGS teaching tools. It also consists of the following:

- Analyzing possible variations at all stages of the game,
- Learning in detail about Joseki
- Understanding the reasons behind plays
- Reviewing Professional Games
- Reviewing Tournament Games
- Discussing game psychology and philosophy

An offline Go lesson consists of my commenting on games that you send to me in SGF format and also answering any questions you have about Go. In order to receive a price list, please submit the entry form or email me at cornelburzo at yahoo[dot]com
"If you read ahead, and you feel like losing the game means you haven't read enough. If you read and you don't see what happens next few moves means you haven't read at all !"

"The disciple goes to his Master and asks:
- Which is the most complicated game humans ever invented ?
- Chess, of course!(master replied)
- And what about Go ?
- Go already exist ! "
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